Happy Spouse, Happy House.
Happy House, Happy Spouse.
Find your joy and don't let it go.
*Date Night
Est. 1992
I hope you all are being creative with staying engaged with one another without getting on each other nerves.
It is not the responsibility of the movie theater, the restaurant or the recreation facilities to keep you going. Those are just a bonus.
This is a great time to...
■Reintroduce yourselves to each other. Discuss your likes and dislikes. Celebrate your growth and victories.
■Revisit the reason for your union. When irritated and consumed with life's concerns, it's easy to focus on the negatives and forget all of the positives.
■Restore each other in these times of frustration, anxiety and the unknown. These are trying times and it is important to have a safe place to release any tension. Pray, comfort and encourage each other.
Be Your Own Entertainment
TeamWade is rooting for you.